Monday Feb 19, 2024
NCF-343 Post Digital Transformation Philosophy
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Hello Everybody, welcome back to New Cyber Frontier. We will continue to the sixth episode of this series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog covering how the world transforms digitally. " In the digital world, we are getting to the point where Eighty Percent of peoples' entire lives work effort is virtual, and this is just going to grow." Dr. Gorog explains how this digital era will continue to grow even further down the road and as this continues, so does the need for individual control of the content that people create. The structure for the post-digital transformation era is created by cybersecurity and the application of privacy-preserving technologies. Tune in today to see the first glimpse of what a Philosophy of the new post-digital transformation era looks like, and explore possibilities of accumulating generational wealth of digital content.
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
NCF-342 On the 2024 Cyber Frontier
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Welcome back everybody to New Cyber Frontier. In this episode, we have our three hosts Shawn Murray, Tim Montgomery, and Dr. Gorog recapping this last year and discussing the plans for 2024. Dr. Murray covers what he sees as the key events in 2023 with significant legislation for privacy in a variety of states and more definement around responses to and requirements around breaches. Examples are state legislation taking the initiative in Illinois to protect the privacy of biometric data. Many other states are slowly passing laws to protect digital footprint and data. In 2024 some people are asking, instead of just protecting my data, can I switch to the offensive against some of these cyber attacks? This has a multitude of problems and Dr. Gorog explains it perfectly. "The solution is not to make the victim become the attacker because of preemptive striking and the confusion about which one is the attacker and who is the actual victim." If you do not want to miss the future of Cybersecurity, tune in to this episode of New Cyber Frontier.
Monday Jan 29, 2024
NCF-341 Exploring New Methods of Distributed Trust
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Hello Everybody, welcome back to the New Cyber Frontier podcast. We continue with the series' fifth episode with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog, Looking over these past years of work in distributed trust. The normalization of today's society is that we trust these large-scale businesses with our data and goods because they are the only safe options we have in most cases. The alternative to reliance on large organizations in the digital world leaves us potentially working with a myriad of unknown, untested, unverifiable connections on the other side of the world. The safer bet is to go to the megasite provider that we know will at least be in business to resolve issues if they occur. Changing this game requires the tools for distributing trust, which may give us a granular ability to trust small providers or individuals. Dr. Gorog explains the work in distributed ledger as a tool for distributed trust and its use in the connection of different elements of Cybersecurity. Take advantage of this impactful episode, which contains some of the best explanations of zero-trust and Cybersecurity by Design.
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
NCF-340 It Takes a Community to Build Next-Gen Cyber
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
We continue the Fourth in the Eight-episode series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog. In this episode, we look at some driving forces for the next-generation research into distributed trust. Around 2016, Dr. Gorog, working with the State of Colorado, started the first work into trust for digital records for citizens' data held by the state. At the time technology for distributed ledgers was thought promising but was not economical. Prototypes for state programs found that one year's cloud storage data costs ten times more than the state budgeted. So many people have envisioned blockchain and distributed ledger to solve societal problems, but the truth is that they did not work because they were cost-inhibiting. Large-scale adoption of businesses has found similar technology limitations. Join today to hear more about how the state of Colorado sponsorship has supported and funded exciting work using many Cybersecurity institutions and Universities in Colorado as a test bed. Teams of students, companies, international organizations, and industry professionals worked together to solve some of these challenging problems. Dr. Gorog discusses some of these campaigns, such as Privacy for the People and IEEE Digital Privacy Initiative. Tune into this episode of New Cyber Frontier.
Monday Jan 15, 2024
NCF-339 New Frontier of Individual Empowerment
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Welcome back, everybody, to the New Cyber Frontier Podcast. We continue the
Third in the Eight-episode series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog. In this
episode, we discuss the nature of newly evolving open markets in comparison
to human historical examples of frontiers. The digital and virtual frontier
has infinite possibilities that we barely have scratched the surface of,
raising the question, How far can we go? In this digital realm, numerous companies have grown over the years to become the largest entities in the
world with an entire virtual presence. Over the next few years, many more
are anticipated to make a digital transformation. Participation in the
post-digital transformation era has been mostly restricted to large
entities; these large companies are difficult to compete with if you are new
or entering markets because small businesses and individuals are unknown and
untrusted. The individual is relatively uninvolved in this digital
transformation; their efforts and digital works are the currency of large
entrenched companies. The individual is unprotected. Dr. Gorog explains,
"Should the right tools to protect the individual exist, the value of the
individual to enter is high, the cost is low, and the entry is instant." The
potential is high if the tools existed to do it." Heading in a direction
where the individual protects their data, not the company, is a new frontier
today. We are looking towards empowering individuals in this technical and
virtual era. Tune in to today's episode of New Cyber Frontier.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
NCF-338 Disrupting Markets by Cybersecurity Economics
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Welcome back, everybody, to New Cyber Frontier. We continue the Second in the Eight-episode series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog. Our discussion focuses on the nature of disruption in any market, identifying the critical
result of disruption is a change of philosophy. When an entire old way of doing something goes away based on technology, not only business changes, but society changes. If we go back to early 2000, there's a shift in the market, which is overseas manufacturing. Companies would allow their product to be made overseas, making it a quarter of the price; if you couldn't outsource fast enough, you could not keep up. When products are sent to be manufactured overseas, there is no control over that intellectual property. "A company found out that they would compete with their own products in the marketplace, and now we see that the risk surface for cyber-attacks is uncontrollable because it is not in our jurisdiction to enforce. The disruption of that era caused many of the problems we are facing with supply injection attacks today. (Gorog) Dr. Gorog explains further where things are heading now and how disruption again is surfacing but to regain control. Cybersecurity is the control structure in this new era with positive methods to Identify virtual assets, enforce software and data usage, and individualize every device made. Cybersecurity is the structure we stand on for the post-digital transformation economics, let's look at the future. Join us today and get involved at Logic Central Online – Where Logic meets Life
Monday Jan 01, 2024
NCF-337 Entering a New Year and New Phase for Cybersecurity
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Happy New Year, everybody, and welcome back to New Cyber Frontier! To start 2024, we have an eight-episode series with Tim Montgomery and Dr. Gorog, Ph.D. CISSP is unveiling a new philosophy for Cybersecurity. Dr. Gorog elaborates with our host how working on the recently released work for the last seven years has progressed to a potential game changer. This first episode provides a kick-off point where the conversation focuses on the current state of the cybersecurity industry as we enter this new year. Dr. Gorog says we are still primarily working toward satisfying compliance, with most new approaches focused on data analysis and AI. (Gorog.) Billions of dollars have been spent on compliance and keeping up with the minimum standards to protect the massive data pool. In the last couple of years, digital transformations have been accelerating. Organizations and employees are spending less of their overall effort working toward physical world objects. In fact, many of us have not done anything that has resulted in physical products or outputs for many years. The conversations prelude to what later episodes will cover. Can we transfer everything to digital? Then, what does the world look like in the post-digital transformation?
Bringing the philosophical dilemma of "When everything becomes chunks of data, our wealth becomes data." How Does AI affect your data? AI is expanding operations, taking GB's worth of information from your email and devices—this information AI steals is thrown back into the data pool. In the future, how will we be able to tell what disinformation AI is starting to produce? Tune in to this episode of New Cyber Frontier. Join us to listen; you will not want to miss this series opener.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
NCF-335 Small Business Balances Cybersecurity Cost vs Value
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Welcome back, everybody, to New Cyber Frontier. Our host, Chris Gorog, partnered with the Smalls Podcast on this episode with Dennis Kater and Nate Moser! The Smalls Podcast started in 2017 and deals with The Government Contractor Ecosystem, which aims towards Manufacturers, Service Providers, and Small Government Contractors. The primary audience for The Smalls is business development companies, Owners, and those who want to do business with the Government or Department of Defense. Companies are cautiously getting involved with cybersecurity mainly to implement the measures their contracts require, but not much more. How to identify the best balance for their minimal budgets vs the value they receive is the continued challenge they all experience. Nate and Dennis bring to light some progress in the industry compared with a few years back. Hear the latest from the small business community on cybersecurity; tune in to this week of New Cyber Frontier.
Check out The Smalls Podcast here: Podcast – The Smalls
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
NCF-336 Confidential Computing Explained
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Welcome back, everybody, to the New Cyber Frontier. In today's episode, guest Dave Singh, confidential computing business development manager at Intel, provides us with a deeper look into software runtime security. Often known as Confidential Computing, it "Implements hardware protections for the computation of sensitive data and ID while it is actively being processed on the server." (Mr. Singh) Explains how, in traditional execution, any other operation and process within the server has access to view the operations and extract the intellectual property or private operations of an executing process. With Confidential Computing, the process is run protected, so its operation is hidden even from the owner of the computer it is running on. Join in today and listen to some great explanations on how to protect your valuable intellectual property today.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
NCF-334 Security Engineering for Industrial Systems
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Welcome back, everybody, to NewCyberFrontier. In today's episode, guest Andrew Ginter, Vice President of Industrial Security and Waterfall Security. Mr Ginter is also the author of a book titled, "Engineering Grade OT Security: A Managers Guide." He defines his book as sitting at the intersection of industrial systems and Engineering. These systems could range from inputs and outputs from computer systems such as power plants, Shoe factories, and high-speed passenger train rails. Mr. Ginter explains his book further by saying, "Small Shoe factories and High-speed train rail switches are very different on the Industrial system spectrum. What determines the difference is worst case consequences of compromise." What would be the worst outcome to a Shoe factory versus Passenger Train Rail switches if all commands to computer systems fail? Shoe factories might have to replace all the equipment and a couple million dollars worth of expenses that insurance could cover, but for the switches on a train, if all computer commands fail, this could result in massive casualties and two trains colliding, which insurance can not cover. These are two diverse examples of industrial systems that need to face different approaches to computer systems. Mr Ginter also explains in his book that Engineering Security is a public safety issue with no room for errors. "In recent years, we have been automating everything, which is not always the best option; we must have fail-safes in place with security and protection." We face many problems and cyber attacks in the engineering world that must be considered today. Thank you for watching NewCyberFrontier.