
Monday Apr 03, 2023
NCF-323 Psychology of Trust Digitally
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Welcome back to the show! In today's episode, we are accompanied by host Tim Montgomery and guest Chris Gorog, the CEO of Blockframe, a Blockchain company that uses Blockchain technology for privacy. In this episode, we will review the relationship of trust within the Internet, Cybersecurity, and the CIA. With millions of people, systems, and devices, we must have an efficient method to understand trust digitally. A mystery is where "We have to trust millions of devices without a human attachment to them; this is where trust becomes the most important and is yet mostly unsolved." (Chris Gorog.) To unpack and understand this, we will first look at the behavior of the human aspect of trust and how trust affects our Psychology.
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Monday Mar 27, 2023
NCF-322 Critical infrastructure of Zero Trust
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Write Up Welcome back to the show; today our host, Tim Montgomery, presents us with the release of the Executive Order of Cybersecurity and Critical infrastructure of Zero Trust. "Within agencies, they refer to zero trust to provide collections of concepts and ideas to minimize uncertainty, inforcing accuracy per request of access to information." (Montgomery.) Zero Trust means looking at all processes in an organization or business to validate one's data, Identity, and security associations while having Zero Trust and going through this process and asking questions like, "How do we trust someone we are doing e-commerce with, on the other side of the planet? How do we trust another company? How do we trust data is authentic? Tune in to the episode of NewCyberFrontier.
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Thursday Mar 23, 2023
NCF-321 Part 2 of Zero Trust
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Welcome back to the show. We are continuing our series of Zero Trust where we take interviews and get people's impressions at the Rocky Mountain Cyberspace symposium. Zero Trust means looking at all processes in an organization or business to validate one's data, Identity, and security associations while having Zero Trust and going through this process and asking questions like, "How do we trust someone we are doing e-commerce with, on the other side of the planet? How do we trust another company? How do we trust data is authentic?" (Chris Gorog.) On a Federal level, Zero Trust is defined into five pillars, "Identity," "Device," "Network Environment," "Application Workload," and "data." Enjoy this episode of NewCyberFrontier
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Monday Mar 13, 2023
NCF-320 Zero Trust
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Welcome back to the show. Today we have our three hosts, Tim Montgomery, Chris Gorog, and Dr. Shawn Murray, going over "Zero Trust." Zero Trust means looking at all processes in an organization or business to validate one's data, Identity, and security associations while having Zero Trust and going through this process and asking questions like, "How do we trust someone we are doing e-commerce with, on the other side of the planet? How do we trust another company? How do we trust data is authentic?" (Chris Gorog.) On a Federal level, Zero Trust is defined into five pillars, "Identity," "Device," "Network Environment," "Application Workload," and "data." Dr. Shawn Murray Defines these five pillars as "This is a Cybersecurity paradigm focused on resources, protection, and the premise trust is never granted implicitly." (Dr. Murray) Stay tuned for the other half of this episode, where we take interviews and get people's impressions on Zero trust at the Rocky Mountain Cyberspace symposium. Enjoy today's episode.
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
NCF-319 Cloud Security with Kubernetes
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Today's NewCyberFrontier, guest Dr. Brian Smith, has founded several companies, TippingPoint Technologies Click Security, and most recently Spyderbat. Spyderbat is pioneer in cloud security using “Kubernetes which they believe is the latest step in the evolution of cloud” ( Brian Smith.) Kubernetes use short life cycle cloud containers monitoring the behavior of the container to determine when malicious activity might be enacted. The pretense is, by knowing the normal behavior we can spot the abnormal operations and thus the malicious activity. “Kubernetes have allowed us to change how we think about security systems.” (Brian Smith.) In the past, we try to detect viruses and malware threats and prevent them the best way we could, but there might just be a better way to secure software better than we thought. Tune in to today's episode of NewCyberFrontier, and check out today’s sponsor https://www.spyderbat.com
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Monday Feb 27, 2023
NCF-IEEE12 Global Efforts in Digital Privacy
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Welcome back to this episode of NewCyberFrontier. We Continue our IEEE series and the Initiative over Digital Privacy. Today our guest speaker is Dr. Stefano Zanero, a Cybersecurity Professor, a member of the ISSA Board of Directors, and a founding member of the Blackhat conference series. In today's discussion, why privacy? Dr. Zanero answers, "Authentication is the building block in the first chapter of any textbook, so we would think it is solved, but it's not." (Zanero.) Dr. Zanero stresses that we still need to improve imperfect solutions to breaches in the Digital Privacy world and with sharing data. In society, the average person is aware of their digital privacy but needs the tools and education necessary to handle their data. Dr. Zanero says, "Having this initiative to gather and generate momentum around this subject is very important." Be an informed listener by tuning into this continuing series of Digital privacy.
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Monday Feb 06, 2023
NCF-317 Cybersecurity Buzz words
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Welcome back to this episode of Just Talking! We have our two hosts, Tim Montgomery, and Chris Gorog. This episode covers many topics, including Cloud services and Buzz Words in the Cyber security industry. With cloud technology constantly evolving, giant companies like Amazon and Microsoft must keep them secure and invulnerable. "By 2025, 50% of data will be in the cloud between thousands of businesses and companies. Enjoy today's episode of Buzz Words!
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Monday Jan 30, 2023
NCF-316 Recapping What We heard from our Guest in 2022
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
In this week's post, we are unpacking all the information we have heard from all our guests this past year, with our hosts Tim Montgomery and Chris Gorog. One topic we discuss in today’s podcast is whether businesses and organizations prioritize security as their primary focus. “ The role of the chief information security officer has come a long way in the past twenty-five years.” (Montgomery.) Businesses inform consumers that they have security in their products, software, and devices for security reasons and are marketing strategies to keep up with competitors. Join us In today’s episode of NewCyberFrontier.
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Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
NCF-315 FAA Grounding Incident
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Welcome back to the show! We are brought to you by our three hosts, Chris Gorog, Tim Montgomery, and Shawn Murray. In today's episode, we are talking about the FAA incident earlier this week. “The FAA announced and grounded all flights in the United States due to a corrupted database file.” (Murray.) This was not a Cyber attack; instead just a corrupted file. It is reported that two contractors working for the FAA changed the system that was not scheduled nor implemented correctly, having to reboot the system and get everything back online. This deals with Business Continuity Disaster Recovery and Critical Infrastructure. Join us in today's episode of NewCyberFrontier
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Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
NCF-314 Status of Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
In today’s Episode of New Cyber Frontier, we are going over the status of Critical Infrastructure. With thousands of new systems and devices all over the country in play over the last couple of decades, with little to no security, what does this mean for the future? These could include Air conditioning, heating, ventilation, Control systems, HVAC Systems, and much more that are interconnected in some way. Join us In this week's post.
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