
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
NCF-IEEE4 Securing Hospital Networks
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Our host, Christopher Gorog, talks with today's guest, Diego Kaminker, about cybersecurity in the healthcare industry. Communication on terminology and standards between hospitals is required to ensure secure systems. Listen in as we discuss the current issues with individual rights to privacy and healthcare needs. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
NCF-300 Potential Cyber Threats with Machine Learning
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Our host, Shawn Murray, talks with today’s guest Tony Muiccio about his experience with machine learning and its impact on cybersecurity. In the world of progressively bigger data, machine learning algorithms have become an indispensable tool for piecing together vital information to be found, where humans by themselves could never find such patterns. As current events unfold in Ukraine, the conversation of cyber threat protection and the potential dangers and uses of machine learning are at the center of meaningful discussions. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Tuesday May 24, 2022
NCF-299 Cybersecurity Needs After the Pandemic
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Our host, Timothy Montgomery, talks with today's guest, Holger Spohn, about the ever-growing cybersecurity needs and how we look to solving cyber problems as a culture. In addition, Holger discusses the new intricacies in the internet age as individuals come back from the pandemic with new strategies for malicious acts. It is vital to ensure that we adapt to these ever-growing changes in the virtual age. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
NCF-298 Embracing Empathy for the User Community
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Today, our guest, Robert Wood, CISO at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which is under the Health and Human Services department of the Federal Government, has a unique closing plea. Everyone in the Cybersecurity industry should embrace empathy for their users. So often, users are expected to perform many tasks to keep secure, but these do not support their work and often make their jobs more difficult. Hear how HHS is adopting a focus on the culture to become focused on the customer. Hopefully, today’s discussion will resonate with listeners who may find themselves in a large organization that could benefit from many of the approaches brought up by our guests to make such organizations a bit nimbler and customer-focused.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
NCF-297 How To - Funding for Cybersecurity Workforce
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
In this episode, Dr. Shawn Murray interviews Katie Adams, a Senior Director for Safal Partners, on a U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) national industry intermediary contract to expand apprenticeship in cybersecurity and the tech industry. Katie is a USDOL-recognized subject matter expert (SME) in apprenticeship and workforce development. Previously, Katie provided workforce and marketing SME and technical assistance on several USDOL and National Science Foundation contracts and grants over 11 years. She has been advancing adult and youth apprenticeship while building industry-aligned academic certificates and degree-linked programs to meet critical occupational needs across several sectors. Listen as they discuss a realignment of traditional apprentice programs and how her team is contributing to filling the IT and cybersecurity industry gap on a national scale!
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Monday May 02, 2022
NCF-IEEE3 Privacy of Critical Health Predictive Data
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
We continue our IEEE Blockchain series with a Healthcare and AI episode. Today's Guest, Tavpritesh Sethi, is an expert researcher in Computational Biology and Data for Predicting Critical Health Conditions. As the pandemic showed us, wide ranges of data from across the population are valuable to predicting and reducing impact in pandemics, but how do we balance that with the patients' privacy rights. Dr. Sethi explains some of the leading research using the Decentralized and Federated capabilities of Blockchain and AI to provide solutions for future generations. Finally, our guest gives us great insight into what the future will look like and some emerging areas where you may want to get involved.
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Monday Apr 25, 2022
NCF-296 Cybersecurity of Firefighting and Paramedics
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Our host, Shawn Murray, talks with today’s guest, Eric Kant, about command and control systems within the emergency services industry and the use of what he calls “no code, low code.” Kant describes “no code, low code” to be the ability to build computer functions and programs without going into programming directly by using a drag and drop environment. The ability to give each client their own personalized program comes from such capabilities of newfound human resources that may not be capable of programming but can use this drag and drop environment. Finally, Eric Kant gives his perspective as a lifetime firefighter and paramedic and the ever-growing place of cybersecurity in his field in the modern age. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
NCF-295 The Cybersecurity of Transport Logistics
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Our host, Christopher Gorog, talks with today's guest, Taylor Merry, about the cybersecurity involved with transport logistics. Taylor discusses the process of tackling the problem of information unavailability and tracking of goods as they go onto each leg of their journey. As transport logistics is an industry that still heavily relies on physical paper in a virtual age, it is vital to ensure that digitizing information is done securely. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Monday Apr 11, 2022
NCF-294 Imaginary vs Real Threats to The Electric Grid
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Tom Alrich is a consultant in Cybersecurity for the Electric Power Industry. Today’s show talks about the possible worst-case cyber attack on the electric grid. Tom talks about imaginary vs. real threats and what these mean to the industry. In addition, our guest spends some time explaining what the presidential orders on the electric grid mean for cybersecurity practitioners. Listen today to find out about a great blog to follow and some insight about critical infrastructure security.
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Monday Apr 04, 2022
NCF-293 Rethinking Cybersecurity Designs
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Today, our guest David Kruger has a self-proclaimed contrarian view of cybersecurity and how to accomplish cybersecurity overall. He says that he likes to look at the underbelly of the problem and the mathematics behind cybersecurity issues in ways many tend not to look. David’s passion lies in designing cybersecurity, and his perspective tends toward how the cyber world could be different from what it is today. David pulls back the misteak and perceived ‘magic’ of technology to discuss the reality of what our devices are, a carefully crafted machine that does what it’s told to do, good or bad. Come theorize with us on what the future of cyber-security could look like. Today’s show will interest you if you are analytical-minded.
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