
Monday Mar 28, 2022
NCF-292 Internal I.T. With The Customer First Mindset
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Welcome back to another edition of the New Cyber Frontier. Our host, Dr. Shawn Murray, interviews Blake Marvin, the owner and founder of Avajen, LLC, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Listen as they discuss Blake’s background in technology and what he has learned along the way in providing advice and quality service in the tech industry as a technician, later as a CTO for a startup, and now as an entrepreneur running a Managed Service Provider company who he founded with his wife, Jennifer. In addition, you will learn the unique approach that Blake and his team provide that should set the standard in the industry as a service provider.
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Monday Mar 21, 2022
NCF-IEEE2 Using Emerging Technology to Problem-Solve Healthcare
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
This week, host Chris Gorog interviews Gora Datta, the founding member of HL7 mobile health. This conversation is packed full of interesting perspectives from IEEE healthcare and the world of emerging technologies. The exciting matter of emerging technologies is not to take lightly – from A.I. or simpler machine learning algorithm designs to blockchain and quantum computing. However, there is an ever-present danger to blindsight us on what is possible and miss out on the most crucial focus path: the problems we need to solve. This episode has some fascinating insight into the emergence of future healthcare technologies; you won’t want to miss this episode of New Cyber Frontier.
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Monday Mar 14, 2022
NCF-291 Unpacking the SolarWinds hack
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Our Guest Bill Alderson has taken an independent look a the SolarWinds breach and provides a detailed look into the attack sequence. Bills paper called "SolarWinds Breach – December 2020 a Comprehensive Paper" walks us through the series of events surrounding the highly publicized breach. This very colorful conversation is an excellent high-level look at the most important things you will need to know to identify how this may have affected you or your organization. Next, we unpack the breach, discuss the components and pieces, and look at how each was performed, what timelines the compromises occurred, and who may be a potential victim. We hope you enjoy this show's topic, as many of you have requested us to have someone on the show to unpack this hack.
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Monday Mar 07, 2022
NCF-290 Adapting to Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
In this episode of New Cyber Frontier, our host Tim Montgomery talks with today's guest, Amichi Shulman, about man the middle attacks and how companies can keep their employees secure. Everyday systems are at more risk than many think. From bot-nets to phishing, we are in a world of ever-increasing connectivity, and with that comes a more considerable risk for malicious activity. Amichi Shulman has an interesting perspective about securing your company's devices. If you have a small company, you won't want to miss this episode of NCF!
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Monday Feb 28, 2022
NCF-289 Dedication to Information Security
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Join us for another episode of the New Cyber Frontier with Dr. Shawn Murray. He interviews his friend and special guest Pamela Fusco, the new Chief Information Security Officer at Splunk and the Chief Financial Officer at the Information Systems Security Association! Dr. Murray and Ms. Fusco will discuss her background from the time she spent as a cryptologist in the U.S. Navy, her history as a contributing board member at ISSA, the new start-up she founded earlier this year protecting your pet and your privacy, as well as her new role as the CISO at Splunk. In addition, Pam will explain the growth of Splunk, her dynamic team, and the company’s dedication to information security as they innovate new capabilities into their technologies.
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Monday Feb 21, 2022
NCF-288 New Techniques in Network Security
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Our guest talks about micro-segmentation, the implementation of firewall protection divided into tiny segments of your network; this is done by minimizing your firewall rulesets to one or a minimal set of computers. He describes why he is excited about security working for large banking institutions. Micro-segmentation supports zero-trust security models, which is also a subject on today's show. This show will pique the interest of technical network administrators out there. We hope you enjoy this episode of New Cyber Frontier.
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Monday Feb 14, 2022
NCF-287 New Defined Future with Blockchain
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Our host, Tim Montgomery, had the opportunity to speak with a guest, an Assistant Chair at the Leads School of Business at the University of Colorado. Our show looks at Blockchain Technologies from the business point of view. Dr. Lacek has spent a lot of time and written his Dissertation on the “Definition of Blockchain.” This very relevant and timely topic is something that many people wonder about as we hear different definitions from almost every article or researcher. The case studies show that the eco-systems and how blockchain is applied are more consistent than any single set of reports. Our guest explains that the use cases are driving full speed ahead; however, definitions and attempts at standards are lagging and inefficient. It is interesting to hear his explanation on where is the industry is going and that we have changed the nature of the conversation while considering the abilities of blockchain technology. Now that the conversation has changed, we cannot go back but must find a way to proceed through the new defined future.
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Monday Feb 07, 2022
NCF-286 Building ”We” and ”Us” Cyber Teams
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Today's guest has a unique team-building method by finding out whether the team member's personality meets the organization's needs. He explains that the people will always be the challenge, as you can continually update technology and processes, but people are the determining factor. The discussion is on how finding the "We" and "Us" type team member makes a better performing team than the "I" and "Me" type team members. A CISO needs to be more of a team leader than a manager. Individualized approaches identify the strengths and weaknesses of staff and then design the direction for each to propel them to be the best version. Look at team inefficiencies in dollars and cents; if you pay for a fantastic team but don't seem to have it, this show will be good for you. Finally, we hear some good advice on identifying changes to a few members to make your team effective.
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Monday Jan 31, 2022
NCF-IEEE1 The Emerging Participatory Grid
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
This next episode of IEEE Blockchain for Transactive Energy defines and explains the participatory grid. Our guest, Dr. Farrokh Rahimi, Executive Vice President with Open Access Technology International, goes through an exciting insider history for energy trading. Will we ever get to the point where each person trades energy for themselves? It could be the case, as we open up for transactive power between distributed energy providers, anyone with an electric car or renewable battery banks can participate. Listen for answers to questions such as Who are the players? How does the future look? Where are we at now? And the important one for this series: How does blockchain fit into this discussion? I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the revelations on this show.
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Monday Jan 24, 2022
NCF-285 Hardening to limit Overexposure from Business Services
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Today's show is about overexposure on the internet; as companies provide more business, those services offered make them easier to find and exploit. As a result, malicious agents can scrape the internet and companies' networks to learn more about them than they would often like to be known. Combatting overexposure is a massive undertaking, and companies always find higher priorities; thus, the picture worsens. Our host says that business growth through M&A is a significant culprit leading to unknown configurations and massive infrastructure risks. The Guest uses an example of 22,000 open CCTVs found in a network scan to drive his point home. Next, hear some unique suggestions about resolving the problems from the ground up. Finally, they discuss the potential to start making a better future by first leaving past weaknesses and focusing on new products. Though this seems rather neglectful, it may lead to a better future.
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